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(YOUR COMPANY NAME). does not use involuntary or forced labor – indentured, bonded or otherwise nor does it support the use of forced or compulsory labor in any form including bonded, forced, and/or compulsory prison labor.

 (YOUR COMPANY NAME). prohibits all relevant individuals from coercing employees in any way or unnecessarily limiting employees’ freedom of movement.

♦  The Company does not require employees to submit originals of documents at the time of employment or during the period a person is employed with the company.

♦  (YOUR COMPANY NAME). does not do business with vendors/suppliers found to be using forced labor in any form.



1.   Maintains employment application or contract, to include a statement affirming that applicants are seeking employment voluntarily and are not under threat or any penalty and to be signed by each applicant. Copies are maintained in the employee’s Personnel file.

2.   Obtains an affirmative statement from all labor brokers/agents used by the (YOUR COMPANY NAME). are not supplying labor that is involuntary or forced.

3.   Issues compensation directly to third party (Contractor) or to worker as mentioned in their contract, company makes sure that the third party (Contractor) makes correct payment to his workers as agreed.
4.   Job description of each Security staff has been defined, limiting security tasks to normal security matters such as the protection of property or personnel.

5.   At the time of hiring Head of Admin / CR / Department Heads / Contractor ensures

I.   The employee signs no bond as a token for continued employment.

II.   All  employees,  original  documents  are  only  asked  from  the  employees  for  the verification of photocopy documents and after verification, original documents will be returned to the employees.

III.   During the time of employee’s interview, the potential candidate is briefed about the fact that he/she is under no compulsion to join the company and similarly he is free to disassociate with the company as per his / her own free will at any given time but under compliance with the rules as agreed in the appointment letter.

6.   CR/ Factory Manager ensures that the workers who are frequently doing overtimes are under no pressure  or  threat  from  their  respective  Departmental  Heads  /  Contractors  for  compulsory overtime.

7.   In case where any company’s employee decides to leave the company.  Factory Manager asks about the reason (s) of leaving in order to make sure that he / she is not leaving under any unlawful compulsion or threat.

8.   CR/  Departmental  Heads  are  responsible  for  communicating,  deploying  and  monitoring  the
Practice of effectively prohibiting involuntary or forced labor.

9.   Factory Manager / CR train all departmental heads on the (YOUR COMPANY NAME).
policies and procedures prohibiting involuntary or forced labor.

10. Suggestion box is placed in the facility, if any employee wants to report any incident he / she can use the suggestion box without mentioning his / her identity, the matter will be investigated and resolved by the Company, after discussing the complaint with Managing Director.

11. CR/ Factory Manager ensures continuous communication between workers and management through designated members of different committees, the issues related to the workers are communicated to the management for effective corrective and preventive measures to ensure workers satisfaction.


    CR, Factory Manager are responsible for:

o Proper communication of company’s prohibition of forced labor policy to the respective supervisors and workers.

o Organizing meetings and training programs to ensure that the policy is properly communicated and understood, the minutes of the meeting are then recorded and circulated to all the participants as per distribution record list.

o In case of any incident is reported either through suggestion / complaint box or directly through workers, Asst. General Manager, Compliance will immediately communicates the matter (s) to the top management for immediate rectification and necessary action.

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