BANGLADESH LABOUR ACT 2006 - ACT 34 & 35 & 36 & 37
(1) No child shall be employed or
permitted to work in any occupation or establishment.
(2) No adolescent shall be employed or
permitted to work in any occupation or establishment unless- (a) a certificate
of fitness in the prescribed form and granted to him by a registered medical
practitioner is in the custody of the employer ; and (b) he carries , while at
work, a token giving a reference to such certificate.
(3) Nothing in this sub-section
(2), shall apply to the employment of any adolescent in any occupation or establishment
either as an apprentice or or the purpose or receiving vocational training
(4) The Government may, where it
is of opinion that an emergency has arisen and the public interest so requires,
by notification in the official Gazette, declare that the provisions of this
sub-section (2), shall not be in operation for such period as may be specified
in the notification.
35. Prohibition of certain
agreement in respect of children : Subject to the provisions of this
chapter, no person, being the parent or guardian of a child, shall make an
agreement, to allow the service of the child to be utilized in any employment.
36. Disputes as to age :
(1) If any question arises as to
whether any person is a child or an adolescent, the question shall, in the
absence of a certificate as to the age fo inspector for decision to a
registered medical practitioner.
(2) A certificate as to age of a
person granted by a registered medical practitioner as mentioned in sub-section
(1), shall be conclusive evidence as to age of the person to whom it relates.
37. Certificate of fitness :
(1) A registered medical practitioner shall, on the application of any
adolescent or his parent or guardian or by the employer whether the concerned
adolescent is fit to work in any occupation or establishment, examine such
person and shall give his decision as to his fitness: Provided that when such
application is made by the adolescent or his parent or guardian, the
application shall be accompanied by a document signed by the employer in whose
establishment the adolescent is an applicant, stating that such person will be
employed if certified to be it for work. (2) any certificate of fitness granted
under this section shall remain valid for a period of twelve months from the
date on which it was issued. (3) Any Fee payable for a certificate under this
section shall be paid by the employer and shall not be recoverable from the
adolescent or his parents or guardians.