79. Dangerous operations :
Where the Government is satisfied that any operation carried on in an
establishment exposes any person employed in it to a serious risk of bodily
injury, poisoning, or disease, it may make rules applicable to such
establishment or class of establishments in which such operation is carried on-
(a) specifying the operation and
declaring it to be hazardous;
(b) prohibiting or restricting
the employment of women, adolescents or children in the operation;
(c) providing for the periodical
medical examination of persons employed in the operation and prohibiting the
employment of persons not certified as fit for such employment;
(d) providing for the protection
of all persons employed in the operation or in the vicinity of the places where
it is carried on and the use of any specified materials or processes in
connection with the operation; and
(e) notice specifying use and
precautions regarding use of any corrosive chemicals.
80. Notice to be given of
accidents : (1) When any accident occurs in an establishment causing loss
of life or bodily injury, or when an accidental explosion, ignition, outbreak
of fire or irruption, outbreak of fire or irruption of water or fumes occurs in
an establishment, the employer of the establishment shall give notice of the
occurrence to the Inspector within two working days.
(2) Where an
accident mentioned in sub-section (1) causes bodily injury resulting in the
compulsory absence from work of the person injured for a period exceeding forty
eight hours it shall be entered in a register in the prescribed from.
(3) A copy of
the entries in the register referred to in sub-section (2) shall be sent by the
employer of the establishment, within fifteen days after the 30th day of june
and the 31st day of December in each year, to the chief Inspector.