77. Precautions against
dangerous fumes : (1) In any establishment no person shall enter or be permitted
to enter any chamber, tank, vat pit, pipe, flue or other confined space in
which dangerous fumes are likely to be present to such an extent as to involve
risks of persons being overcome thereby, unless it is provided with a manhole
of such size, as may be prescribed or other effective means of egress.
(2) No portable electric light of
voltage exceeding twenty-four volts shall be permitted in any establishment for
use inside any confined space such as is referred to in sub-section (1) and
where the fumes present are likely to be permitted to be used in such confined
(3) No person in any establishment shall enter or be permitted to enter any such confined space until all practicable means have been taken to remove any fumes which may be present and to prevent any ingress of fume and unless either-
(a) a certificate in writing has
been given by a competent person, based on a test carried out by himself, that
the space is from dangerous fumes and fit for persons to enter, or
(b) the worker is wearing
suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached to a rope, the free
end of which is held by a person standing outside the confined space.
(4) Suitable breathing apparatus,
reviving apparatus and belts and ropes shall, in every establishment, be kept
ready for instant use beside any such confined space. As aforesaid which any
person as entered, and all such apparatus shall be periodically examined and
certified by a competent person to be fit for use; and a sufficient number of
persons employed in every establishment shall be trained and practiced in the
use of all such apparatus and in the method of restoring respiration.
(5) No person shall be permitted
to enter in any establishment, any boiler furnace, boiler, flue chamber, tank,
at, pipe or other confined space for the purpose of working or making any
examination therein until it has been sufficiently cooled by ventilation or
otherwise to be safe for persons to enter.